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Welcome to Algazelus Coffee Break Corner

This is a safe space where we can explore our thoughts, share opinions, and reflect on work, books, and decisions made in our daily lives. Here we can take a break from the hustle and bustle of our chaotic lives to unload frustrations, gain insight, and contemplate our next steps.

Whether it's launching a career, furthering your studies, or exploring a lifelong dream, taking a break to relax and recharge can be incredibly valuable in order to make meaningful progress. By learning, understanding, and applying what we learned, we can better prepare ourselves for the opportunities ahead. With the help of this blog, we can make informed decisions and seize the moments that will further our goals.

So, grab a cup of coffee and join us as we take a break, ponder our next steps, and step into our future.


Mr. Algazelus’s professional experience revolves around research on social sciences focusing on Islamic Studies, human rights and peace activism, and community organizing. He is currently taking up a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies at the Institute of Islamic Studies of the University of the Philippines.

His activism on human rights campaigns in conflicted armed areas and peace advocacies was part of government and non-government organizations. He worked as a humanitarian and community development worker and implemented community and livelihood projects for internally displaced persons.

He has helped develop petitions at the grassroots level for the policymakers to ensure that the voices of the youth, women, community leaders, and religious leaders are heard and considered in strengthening policies. As such, they can participate and engage with government leaders. Through various organizations, he has worked in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao.  

Mr. Algazelus is a volunteer Deputy Executive Director of a Mindanao Youth organization called the Mindanao Industry Coordinators Network.

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