Bissmillah hirahman nirrahim!
'Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih' the close translation of the dua is: “I seek forgiveness from Allah and repent towards Him”.
The du’a Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims all over the world. This brief supplication is a way of expressing one's regret for errors and sins, and for turning to God in repentance. It is believed by many Muslims that the enormous spiritual benefits associated with reciting this du’a cannot be measured.
The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite several times daily the du’a Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih. He declared that “Whoever says, ‘La ilaha illallah wa astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih’ (there is no God but Allah and I ask for His forgiveness and I repent unto Him), then his Lord will accept his repentance and purify him” (As-San’ani).
The wording of this du’a is simple and brief, yet it is extremely powerful when recited with complete faith and sincerity. There are numerous benefits associated with reciting this supplication regularly. It is said that reciting this du’a has the power to erase our sins and protect us from the punishment of Allah in the Hereafter.
In fact, some Prophetic narrations state that when a person recites the du’a Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih, Allah will forgive a million of that person’s past sins and may even grant them a place in Paradise. Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever says, ‘La ilaha illallah wa astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaih’ one hundred times, Allah will grant him forgiveness for one hundred major sins and one hundred minor ones” (Bukhari).
Reciting this du’a offers various spiritual benefits. It helps in increasing one’s awareness of the presence of Allah and His greatness, and also serves as a reminder of our obligations to Him. The du’a also increases one’s faith in Allah, and can boost one’s inner strength and courage to overcome any trials and tribulations. Furthermore, it has the power to bring peace to our hearts and minds, allowing us to shy away from evil and stay firm on the path of righteousness.
The recitation of this du’a also opens the door for Allah’s mercy and grace to enter into one’s life. By invoking the all-compassionate and all-forgiving nature of Allah, we can rid ourselves of our guilt and regret for past wrongdoings, and start anew with a renewed optimism. It is also said that whenever a person says ‘astaghfirullah’, an angel responds with ‘Allah loves him’ (Muslim).
In addition, regular recitation of the du’a Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih can also help in allaying the anxiety and fear caused by wrongdoing. It will also prevent us from recommitting the same errors, as we will feel the presence of Allah’s guidance in our lives, constraining us from evil thoughts and deeds.
Lastly, reciting this du’a serves as a way of self-improvement. It allows for complete reliance and trust on Allah the Almighty, and the faith that He will provide us with the guidance to lead a fulfilling and productive life. One’s spiritual well-being is nourished and nurtured, as one turns to the Almighty for His mercy and assistance.
In conclusion, reciting the du’a Astaghfirullah wa Atubu Ilaih regularly can offer immense spiritual rewards and blessings. It serves as a powerful gateway to a closer relationship with God, and can fill our hearts with peace, contentment, and assurance. May Allah accept our du’as and bless us all with His mercy and guidance.
Allahumma Ameen.
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