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Life lesson: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”

Life lesson: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”

Algazelus | 09.09.23


Life is a journey filled with pain, sadness, happiness, and a variety of other emotions. Many of us come upon life lessons that we learn and carry with us for the remainder of our lives. When we’re faced with difficult choices, we are often reminded of the valuable lessons we have learned. One of the most important life lessons is to treasure your friendship and make the best out of it.

Friendship is an important part of Islamic beliefs and culture. As the Qur’an teaches, “you are the best of people ever raised up for mankind” (Qur’an 3:110), and such a sentiment carries into the relationships we develop with each other.

In Islam, friendship is not only encouraged and celebrated but also seen as part of one’s faith journey. By being friends with others, we learn how to love, forgive, compassionately listen, and receive support. Friends have a sacred role in Islam and they’re even praised in the Hadith, where it’s stated that “He who has a true friend, has a great blessing.”

Friendships are tricky. The greatest works of literature are often devoted to the tribulations of friendship. We know right away the names of these classic 'odd couples:' Romeo and Juliet, George and Lennie in Steinbeck’s 'Of Mice and Men,' and Harry and Ron in 'Harry Potter.'

The truth is, that life contains no promises but those made upon the strength of friendship itself. This is why it is essential to appreciate and value the friends who provide us with loving support in good times and bad.

Friends can form part of your family and may even be a part of your life for many years or even generations. True friendship is significant to us all, and one of the most significant things we can do in life is to build meaningful relationships with friends and family. Appreciating the people who have always stayed by our side and having the ability to maintain inviting relationships with them is essential.

We may not be able to trust everyone around us, but having a friend who we can trust and count on at all times can be invaluable. Being able to rely on someone to listen to our thoughts and worries and in return provide unconditional assistance can provide us with a strong sense of belonging and worth.

At the same time, while friends can provide us with the fulfillment of not being alone, it is also important to understand the limits of any given friendship. Understanding the boundaries of a relationship and how far a person can be pushed before things get serious can be beneficial. Mutual respect and boundaries may often be scoffed at, but they are necessary for any significant mutual relationship.

Unfortunately, there are times when even the most promising of friendships may come to an end. We may experience friendship breakups due to distances, irreconcilable differences, or just the fact that our friendship wasn’t meant to last forever. These things are often out of our control, but whatever the reason, we must still move on and accept that things have changed.

The ability to be resilient and adapt in the wake of changing circumstances is one of the greatest life lessons. It’s life’s way of informing us that even after fire loses its heat, there are still opportunities for us to repurpose it.

Whatever we choose to do in life, we should always stay true to ourselves and never fall into the trap of trying to keep up with the Joneses. Having a trusted group of confidantes and allies by your side can be an invaluable asset and often prove more rewarding than any material treasure.

Insha Allah He Allah will reward those who appreciate the friendships they have and make the best out of them irrespective of where they are from. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. The core of many healthy relationships and fulfilling lives lies in having a group of supportive people who can provide emotional sustenance at all times.

Without appreciating and valuing the friendships we have, we can never truly rise beyond own limitations that life places upon us. It is only with the support of friends and family that we are able to become the people that we have been destined to be. 

It is essential that we all treasure the friendships that we have and make the best out of them, and Insha Allah He Allah will reward us, our loved ones, and our friends.



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